Mobile Device Malware
Do you suspect your mobile device has been infected with malware?
If so, contact or visit a ClickAway store as soon as possible.

Mobile device problems can be frustrating.
ClickAway is here to help
Experienced symptoms
If your mobile device suddenly is running slower, is displaying content you didn’t request, or is exhibiting unusual behavior, it might be infected with malware (viruses, trojans, spyware, etc.).
Avoiding further damage
As soon as you suspect that your mobile device has been infected with malware, shut it down, and bring it in so we can scan it.
Need for professional help
Simpler cases of malware infection can be resolved with multiple high quality antimalware scans. It takes special knowledge to determine the severity and proper repair. In most cases, better antimalware software will help prevent reinfection. Not all antimalware software is effective and efficient. We can recommend and install the best.